速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Night Shapes

Night Shapes



檔案大小:1.9 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Night Shapes(圖1)-速報App

Night Shapes is an ambient music generator. It uses geometric rules to generate novel harmonic pathways that can help with relaxation, sleep, and attention. Headphones are highly recommended to enjoy the full harmonic spectrum.

Night Shapes(圖2)-速報App

* Swipe through an unending list of titles

Night Shapes(圖3)-速報App

* Songs play forever without repeating

Night Shapes(圖4)-速報App

* Watch a geometric visualization of the harmonies

Night Shapes(圖5)-速報App

* Enable low-power mode to disable visuals and maximize battery life

Night Shapes(圖6)-速報App

* Audio plays while device is locked for a better sleep experience

支援平台:iPhone, iPad